Up to 80% of pets have some form of dental disease which can have a negative impact on their wellbeing.

Some signs of dental disease include;

  • Bad breath
  • Red gums
  • Build up of plaque and tartar on the teeth
  • Bleeding from the mouth

Often even pets with severe dental disease will continue to eat their normal food. This is why we perform dental checks with all our vaccinations and health assessments - with some pets needing more frequent check ups.

When dental treatment is needed we recommend a general anaesthetic for our patients as this allows us to perform a thorough examination of all teeth and clean the teeth below the gumline. Dental x-rays help us to identify dental lesions that may not be apparent on examination alone. This also allows us to perform extractions of any teeth that may be causing your pet discomfort. All our patients receive IV fluids throughout the anaesthetic and pain relief including nerve blocks. We also offer pre-anaesthetic blood testing and have high standards of anaesthetic monitoring and dedicated staff to nurse your pet throughout the anaesthetic and recovery.


After dental treatments our vets can help to tailor a home care plan for your pet to help reduce the incidence of future dental disease. This may include feeding a specially formulated dental diet. Many pets can also be trained to allow you to brush their teeth.

Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:30pm