Knee3: Cruciate Disease Diagnosis in Dogs



Cruciate disease is the most common orthopaedic disease in dogs. However it's not the easiest disease to diagnose...

This is where our Knee3 dianosis technique can help! 

The Knee3 technique identifies pain - draw, hyper extension and internal rotation are all stressing the ACL in different ways and damaged ACL's are painful. 

1. Draw



This is the basic assessment of the cranial cruciate ligament. 

The tibia and femur are gripped just above and below the stifle joint. 

The tibia is pushed cranially. 

There are two things we want to know - is there laxity? and is it painful? 

Draw should be assessed in flexion and extension. 

2. Hyper Extension 


The stifle joint is placed into hyper extension, but remember to keep the hip joint in a neutral position. 

We want to see if there is pain associated with the pressure on the ACL? 

3: Internal Rotation 


With the leg in a stance position hold the femur still and internally rotate the foot. 

Is this action painful?


Please contact us for further information regarding cruciate disease diagnosis or to discuss how we can help with cruciate disease management. 

Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:30pm