What is MPL surgery?
Medial patella luxation surgery aims to realign the patella (kneecap) to sit in its groove. There are several techniques to achieve this. These include moving the anchor point of the patella, deepening the patella groove and de rotating the tibia. The techniques used are tailored to each case and may use one or a combination of several.What are the benefits of surgery?
- Reduction of acute lameness caused by patella luxation (dislocation)
- Increased exercise tolerance
- Reduced stifle (knee) and patella pain
- Reduced risk of cruciate damage
- Slowing of degenerative changes associated with patella dislocation
- Improved lifelong knee function
What are the risks of surgery?
All surgery carries a risk of complications. It is important that you understand these risks. In certain cases these complications may require further surgical procedures to manage.
Surgical risks include:
- General anaesthesia
- Re-luxation (dislocation)
- Post operative infection
- Implant migration
- Bone fracture
What Aftercare is required:
Following surgery patients need 6-10 weeks of recovery and rehabilitation. This allows for healing of bone tissues and skin. It also minimises the chances of complications.
Aftercare involves:
- 6 weeks of strict cage rest
- Patient will need to be kept clean, dry, calm and away from other pets
- After 6 weeks of cage rest patients require controlled leash exercise which will gradually increase weekly
A more detailed aftercare plan will be supplied on patient discharge.